Life of Means — Life of Meaning

Exploring what the Bible really says about managing money

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Creating Freedom to Seek the Kingdom

Jesus told believers to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.

How we, as believers manage our day-to-day finances will either bring us closer to or further away from that goal.

Only a few people fulfill their life’s purpose… you can choose to be one of those few.

Join us as we explore what the Bible really teaches about managing money. Check out this  BOOK OFFER — The Wise Man & the Fool now!

Alternatively, why not explore our blog articles to see what the Bible teaches about managing money, and how you can create the freedom to seek God’s kingdom in your life.

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Are any of these true for you?

  • I feel trapped in my job. I want to be more Kingdom focused
  • I am exhausted by constant financial worry
  • I wish I had more time to do God’s work
  • I know God wants more for my life
  • I know that I can do more and give more; I just don’t know how

“Riches are the measure of a bank balance. Wealth is the measure of freedom and choice.

The truth is that many Christians could achieve true wealth with little or no more money than they have now.”

Fulfill Your God-Given Destiny

What has God called you to do? Fulfilling his purpose is the most rewarding path any believer can choose in life. It will almost certainly require great faith, courage, determination and sacrifice.

But it is there for the taking.

Wouldn’t it be great if every believer, currently locked in financial struggle, had the freedom to choose the hours they work? Or the freedom to choose where in the world they earned their living?

What would you do for God and his kingdom – if you only had the time? How would you live if you truly had the freedom to choose God’s purposes for your life, instead of being forced to commute to and from the office each day just to make ends meet?

The first step towards achieving this freedom is understanding what the Bible really says about managing our money. As with all aspects of our lives, the answer is found God’s word – and it is simple. Really.

Our vision; to help you achieve yours!

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