Our Children Are Our Future

Building a strong Biblical value system in our children with respect to finances is Future Investment

  • How to Focus on the Right Bible Teaching
    As believers, we need to focus on the right Bible teaching. When it comes to the love of money, doing battle from a place of financial struggle won’t make that fight any easier or more noble.
  • How to Understand the Parable of the Rich Fool
    The Rich Fool’s approach to life in Luke 12: 16-21 looks an awful lot like the pension plan to which I, and most of my middle-class peers, tend to aspire.
  • The Best Way to Achieve True Wealth
    Would you, as a Christian, rather work sixteen hours a day for six days a week to earn one million dollars a year or four hours a week to earn just fifty thousand dollars a year? Riches are the measure of a bank balance. Wealth is the measure of freedom and choice.
  • How To Be Fearless and Invest Now
    Spending less than we earn and giving to God’s kingdom is a good first step in stewardship. However this is just the tip of the iceberg. If all we have belongs to God, one should also consider how investing as a Christian can sow a crop for future harvest.
  • How To Leverage The Greatest Teacher On Biblical Stewardship
    Good stewardship acknowledges that all I have belongs to God, not me. I have a duty of care to manage those resources as a wise servant rather than squander them on self-gratifying expenses. Living out the principles of stewardship comes at a cost – but the rewards are eternal.
  • Ironclad Principles of Authentic Negotiation for Christians in Business
    As Christians, we may encounter difficulties in negotiations when we feel that what many consider to be valid negotiation tactics are actually in conflict with our Biblical values. So how do we do Christian negotiation?
  • Unleash the Power of Character Over Charisma Every Time
    Character beats charisma every time! People focus on the things they want. God focuses on who we are and our relationship with him.
  • Why do You Only Talk About Money?
    The wealthy are comfortable talking about money. In general, Christians are not. Our relationship with money starts in early childhood and lasts for the rest of our lives. Why wouldn’t we talk about money as Christians?
  • Your True Inheritance
    The true inheritance we leave our children is not the money they get when we die. Rather, it is the values, skills and wisdom we instil in them today. Inheritance in the Bible is a subject we should teach our children.
  • Pay What is Owed
    I would rather teach my children to assess risk properly, both as a borrower and a lender, in their early teens than see them learn this lesson the hard way as adults
  • Teaching Children
    We need to teach our children about money at every opportunity. Not so that they become lovers of money, but rather, so that they don’t!
  • Education
    Teaching your children a Godly attitude towards money is Future Investment