So try this on for size.
Who doesn’t have enough money to get by each month? Who feels underpaid and in need of a raise?
Well, I guess I should put my hand up. How about you?
But here is what the Bible says on the matter…
Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.
Ecclesiastes 5:10
NOTE: This message is not for those living on the breadline. We recognize that there are people who are genuinely poor in this world. However, it would certainly apply to any first-world family on a middle-class income.
This is a harsh truth — but one we should all take on board. It feels so brutal because, as sincere believers, we don’t feel like folk who love money. However, if the shoe fits, we might as well wear it and seek God’s grace on the matter. Then, we need to seek God’s wisdom to figure out how to rectify the problem.
Folk like us can take comfort in the fact that we are not alone. The vast majority of our pastors feel the same way, according to a statistical study.
Why There is Never Enough Money

Expenses always rise to meet income.
Parkinson’s Second Law
Parkinson’s Second Law observes that no matter how much money people earn, they always spend the entire amount — and a little bit more besides. This is a universal truth.
Think about it…
How much money did you earn ten years ago? And how much do you currently earn? For most people, the following statements are all true:
- They earn substantially more today than they did ten years ago
- Ten years ago, they needed more money
- Currently, they still need more money
The above pattern is Parkinson’s Law — and Ecclesiastes 5:10 — in action.
Breaking the Cycle

The only way to break this cycle is by recognizing this pattern for what it is; love of money. Once we are able to admit that there is a problem, we are in a position to do something about it.
First step? Start saving!
I am working on the assumption that you already give tithes and offerings to further God’s kingdom. However, you also need to start saving at least ten percent of your income each month. Saving this way enforces a discipline that ensures we spend less than we earn. The moment we achieve that, we will — have enough money.
It’s really that simple.
Changing your financial situation may take a little while but the moment you achieve the above baby step and start saving, the journey is underway.