I recently came across some interesting statistics about pastors.

  1. 29% of pastors have zero in personal savings
  2. 84% of pastors have no emergency fund
  3. 70% of pastors feel grossly underpaid
  4. 90% of pastors experience financial stress in their family

In truth, most pastors are just like the rest of us; living from paycheck to paycheck and struggling to make ends meet. Most have little or no savings.

Small wonder, then, that the Biblical perspective on managing our finances is so seldom taught from the pulpit. The average pastor understands this no more than the next guy.

Please understand. Your pastor is neither trying to hide something from you nor avoiding the subject of money because it is temporal and unspiritual. Most pastors avoid the subject simply because they don’t understand it.

In short, pastors can’t teach what they don’t know!

This is a pity because the Bible actually has heaps to say about wise financial management and conduct.

Here are a few to get you started.

My guess is most believers — like me — have seldom heard these verses taught from the pulpit, if ever.

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