More than three billion people across the globe live on less than $2.50/day – and over 80% of the world’s population lives on less than $10.00/day.
By those standards, anyone living a first world lifestyle is, by definition, rich. When measured against the above statistics, even the US federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour seems wealthy beyond imagination.

And yet, many first-world Christians – people who are rich in Christ – still feel poor. Instead of being free to “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,” millions of hard-working believers are trapped in a never-ending cycle of bills and financial struggle – even bondage – and are forced to work 40-60 hours a week just to make ends meet.
Instead of being able to give generously to God’s kingdom, many Christians face the fear of mounting bills and crippling debt. They may be rich in Christ but they certainly don’t feel that way.

This is not God’s plan for any believer. Wouldn’t it be great if every believer, currently locked in financial struggle, had the freedom to choose the hours they work? Or the freedom to choose where in the world they earned their living?
Consider, for a moment, how the apostle Paul was able to move and work freely throughout the Roman world, spreading the gospel far and wide among communities that would otherwise never have heard the good news. Paul did this as a Tent-Maker; earning money as he traveled. This supported him to the extent that he had plenty of time to minister in cities throughout the empire.

What would you do for God and his kingdom – if you only had the time? How would you live if you truly had the freedom to choose God’s purposes for your life, instead of being forced to commute to and from the office each day just to make ends meet?
The first step towards achieving this freedom is understanding what the Bible really says about managing our money. As with all aspects of our lives, the answer is found God’s word – and it is simple. Really.